Open profiles

Nurole | B2C member app

Our members needed a push to be able to properly sell themselves and get more visibility.

The problem space

After having spent a lot of time and effort for our clients, it was time to work on the Member CSat and improve their experience.

More Visibility

Members often give feedback about the fact that they aren’t sure any company ever sees their profile and how they are presented to them.

Good assessment

We tested “quick apply” as a concept, submitting interest for a role with just one click. But after some time we realised that our colleagues and clients wouldn’t get enough information about the candidate in order to make a good assessment.

Updated information

Get information from members so that their profile is up to date with relevant and comprehensible information that will enable them to show their experience in the clearest way.

Week 1

Concept validation

We did a false door experiment to see how much users would be interested in our open profiles concept.

Weeks 2-4


We conducted 28 internal and external interviews to efficiently prioritise the work ahead.

Weeks 5-8

MVP Delivery

With the 3 amigos (PM+Dev+Design) we agreed on the priority 1 features to be on the MVP.

Data and insights

After only a few weeks, we reached our goal: 500 profiles created by our members. And a few months in, it had already reached +10,000.

It was a HUGE success!

Summary of that project

  • After having proven interest in that project from our members we were finally able to properly explore that experiment

  • It was highly successful which helped advocate for more product projects to be pushed within the business

  • We learned a lot about our members, what they want to show about themselves and who they want to share their profile with

Validate the concept

  • False door experiment

    We showed a pop-up on our homepage for a few days. We wanted to gauge the interest of our member base through an organic way with our daily visitors.

    After only of couple of days we observed that +350 members registered their interest for our open profile concept.

  • External interviews

    After the false door experiment we reached out to people who had shown interest for our concept.

    Having done the false door before that gave us a great response rate of +60% from people for interviews.

    We spoke to 12 members and / or clients to understand their appetite for open profiles as well as what they would expect with it.

  • Experiment with the concept

    We tested 3 different experiments during our interviews in order to identify which concept would work best:

    1. AI-based chat bot assistant to build the profile
    2. Form to understand what content they would fill in
    3. An editable designed profile (WYSIWYG) to see everything in context

    The most successful was the latter but a lot of them were interested to have some AI support in creating their profile.

The profile before we fully reworked it

I had worked on the member profile and iterated on it quite a few times since I had joined.

But at that point it wasn’t designed for it to be published and browsed by our clients so it needed further explorations.

The navigation needed a big update as well especially because it wasn’t optimal on mobile. So I strongly pushed for updating it and align it with the rest of the tools.

Journeys & flows

We worked on many iterations of the core journeys to clearly map the interactions and navigation within our tool. We also needed to understand what the journey would be for different users: our members, our clients but also our Nurolers.


With the amigos (PM+Dev+Design) we would regroup regularly to agree on the next steps as well as on what the MVP should look like. This is an overview of the features prioritisation that we agreed on to create the most efficient MVP and get our members to start creating their profile.

Validate the content

We conducted workshops with 15 Nurolers from various teams and pods (Education, Financial services, Government, Commercial, etc.).

The aim was to understand what content would be needed and in which order / hierarchy for them to be able to properly sift candidates for the various roles.

Team member roles: CPO, PM and I conducting, documenting and analysing interviews results.


I paired a lot with the amigos (PM + Engineer) to iterate and ideate on concepts and various layout options for the new profile and ways to update it.

Given the short timeline to deliver that project, we had to be efficient and iterate quickly. Which is why a lot of the wireframes are very low fidelity using Figjam and screenshots to agree on content hierarchy and navigation etc.

After the short but efficient discovery phase, we were able to start building the MVP confidently!

Here is the result of a full quarter of discovery, iterations and collaboration within our Growth Squad. You can see my Desktop as well as Mobile screens below.

Final designs

More about my role as Founding Lead designer at Nurole